Finisterre - A Positive Impact Business

Our design ethos has always been to build the best and most sustainable product we can, that is fit for purpose and built to last. In order to achieve this, we partner with suppliers who share our values and provide them with a Code of Conduct which they must commit to before working with us. It outlines our minimum requirements to respect the health, safety, welfare and human rights of everyone working in the supply chain. As part of our company’s Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) strategy, our Code of Conduct is third party regulated by Fair Working Conditions through a social compliance program, ensuring that all finished Finisterre product has been produced in full compliance with our Code of Conduct.

Global Sourcing Principles

Since Finisterre was founded in 2003, we have been deeply committed to caring for both people and the planet. We strive to be ethical, honest, and transparent in everything we do, and we recognise the importance of fostering high ethical standards within our supply chain. In return, we expect our suppliers to adhere to the principles outlined in our Code of Conduct, which sets the foundation for our relationships.

In 2018 Finisterre became a certified B Corp, meaning we have a legal obligation to all stakeholders to ensure that the people, environment and communities where we operate are all looked after positively, whether in our head office, stores, supply chain.

Finisterre understands that responsible purchasing practices are essential in upholding these values, and we are committed to conducting business through transparent and fair means. We take great pride in the long-term partnerships we build with our suppliers and believe that by working together, we can achieve a positive impact on everyone involved.

We expect our suppliers to not only obey the law but also take great care to respect the wellbeing of their employees, communities, and environment in which they operate. They are required to sign up to our Code of Conduct and communicate and implement these principles throughout their business dealings for Finisterre, including with their own employees and their downstream suppliers.

Finisterre’s aim is to develop and maintain a sustainable supply chain that adheres to our Code of Conduct and internationally recognised human rights standards. They include principles of international law such as the ILO Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work: no child labour, no forced labour, no discrimination, and the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining. Our principles also cover best practices in wages, working hours, communication of employment conditions, grievances and disciplinaries and health and safety in the workplace.

In addition, we expect our partner suppliers to meet our high expectations of respect for the environment.

Finisterre takes these principles extremely seriously and expect our suppliers to work towards exceeding these requirements. All direct suppliers are required to sign up to our principles. This is followed up by frequent visits by our own employees as well as visits from external auditors. Corrective action plans and capacity-building programs will be implemented where necessary. I hope you will join me in helping us ensure that the people, environment, and communities where we operate are all able to benefit with Finisterre’s help.

Supplier Code Of Conduct

1. No Child Labour

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2. Employment is freely chosen

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3. Freedom of association and employee representation

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4. No Discrimination

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5. Wages and benefits of employment

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6. Hours of work and regular employment

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7. No Harassment

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8. Health and safety

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9. Grievances and Discipline

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10. Whistleblowing

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11. Environment

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12. Anti-Slavery and Trafficking

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