Two women swimming wearing the Finisterre Seasuit

Finisterre Foundation

Inspiring people to love and protect the sea has always been the heart and soul of Finisterre.

The Finisterre Foundation aims to remove barriers to access so everyone can get to and benefit from the transformative power of the ocean. We want to encourage, empower and enable people to connect with the sea not only to improve their physical and mental wellbeing but to help broaden horizons. We believe that everyone should have equal access to the ocean.

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Over 100 wetsuits adapted

Adding extra zips, straps and shortening for amputees for both surf schools and individuals.

246 items of kit gifted

Wetsuits, Seasuits, changing robes and other items donated to remove kit as a barrier to the ocean.

Over £15,000 donated

Funding surf lessons, swimming teachers and travel to support groups enabling ocean access.

City Kids Surfing

Finisterre projects & existing
charitable projects we support...

Adapting Any Wetsuit

The Wetsuit Project

Finisterre Foundation

Into The Sea

The Seasuit Project

Finisterre Foundation

Specialist Swimming Lessons

Level Water

Finisterre Foundation


City Kids Surfing

Finisterre Foundation

Do you have a project that
boosts equal access to the ocean?

Finisterre Foundation

The Finisterre Foundation is a Community Interest Company (CIC) which supports small scale charitable projects.

The Finisterre Foundation is a separate legal entity to Finisterre. The Foundation operates and supports small scale charitable projects, primarily in the UK, and has been set-up to help anyone facing barriers to accessing the sea for reasons which may include:

- Financial hardship and poverty

- Physical disability, or other personal circumstances resulting in social exclusion.

In addition to providing funding for select partners, we also give our time, skills, kit - and anything else we can think of - to help us achieve our mission.

If you have a project that boosts equal access to the ocean in the UK and would benefit from a small grant:

- Please first check that you are eligible to apply, as per our grant making policy.

- Apply to the Foundation

If you need any support in submitting an application, please email us at