The Broadcast / A Few Good Days

A Few Good Days

Something in way of a busman’s holiday, Northeast based Ambassador Sally McGee recently found herself down in the Southwest in hot pursuit of the seasons swell.

Always with a finger on the pulse, and with a family just as at home on the road as they are anywhere else made for a fruitful few day of waves amongst friends.


2 min read

Written by Sally McGee

Images by Tom Bing

Autumn comes earlier in the North East. The boots are on, gloves at the ready but the swell is late to show. We've had a few good days that felt like winter was on it's way at home and those favourite corners of the North East Coast we're about to light up. Familiar faces unseen all summer starting to congregate in car parks up and down the coast; those seasonal friends with whom we share the experience of surfing our favourite places together; unspoken and organically arranged regular meetings.

Sally with board
Sally in surf

The week we had marked on the calendar to spend a week away from home immersed in surfing looked unfruitful in the northern reaches of the UK but the south west showed some promise. We packed our van with boards, bikes, suits, warm and dry clothes and set off south to a fairly unfamiliar land to us. What we found when we got there was a welcoming and open community of distant friends, rain; lots of rain, plenty of swell and some shelter from the winds in beautiful Cornish coves of blue, warmer waters than we had left behind. Between surf sessions, home cooked meals with friends, rain showers and skatepark visits, we stayed warm and dry in the van reading books, drawing and crafting with our four year old son; feeding his imagination, creativity, learning and love for the lifestyle we live.

Sally in white water
Sally surfing


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