EP 18. Christian Beamish
Boats, Boards & BAJA
Next up in our Californian Omnibus we met with Christian Beamish – Surfer, Shaper, Sailor and Writer, Christian is somewhat of an underground yet widely known stalwart of the surfing world. Calling the likes of the Malloy brothers, Greg Long and others close friends.
Hosted by Lawrence Stafford
Sound Design by John Sampson a.k.a CJ MIRRA
Listen Now

A lifelong devotee of surf, frequenting waves from Ireland to France and the Philippines plus countless others off the beaten track accessible to him whilst serving in the U.S. Navy – Christian has quietly dedicated his life to the sea.
More thoroughly accounted for was his solo sail from San Diego down through Baja in his self-constructed boat, beautifully retold in ‘Voyage of the Cormorant – memoir of a changeable sea’. A line of sight crossing and self-reliant exploration for surf – one that saw him sleeping under canvas tarp whist anchored up to the kelp beds, surfing and fishing in pristine ocean with no one around and lentil and coffee rations as he lived by the weather systems in an 18foot open boat.
The book not just about the sailing and the people he met along the way but a wonderful account of an inner and outer journey. There are few people able to write about surf in a way that speaks to a wider audience, William Finnegan always comes to mind, but Christian is certainly another. Something that no doubt comes through years of experience as associate editor of the revered Surfers Journal.

In sitting down, we spoke about stoking the fire for adventure, night surfing and deep-water surf, board shaping and boat building and went off on a few other tangents you’ll come to hear.
Ill add, we were sat in the showroom behind Christians shaping bay so you will hear some background chatter and a cameo from Chrstians daughter halfway through…
So here we go, Episode 18 of Hell or High Water with Christian Beamish – Boats, Boards and Baja.

“I always feel like, this guy must be bull shitting me right now, is this what actually happened? But yeah. Honestly, I built this boat, and I was just gripped by this vision, the possibilities of what you could do. The actual trip was a Baha run.”
Christian Beamish

Time served in the U.S. Navy
The Surfers Journal
Creative Writing Programme @ UC Santa Cruz
The Voyage of the Cormorant
John Muir mindset
Backdoor adventures
Night surfing
Australian Power Surfing Era
A sense of abiding
Cloud 9
Newport Beach
Blue Marine Foundation
McCoy Surfboards
Mavericks, Half Moon Bay
Pigeon Point Lighthouse
Point Conception
Dan Crockett
Ryan Lovelace
Bob Hurley
Allan Byrne
Steve Pezman
Jim Pollard
Mike & Sarah Gerhardt
Pat Curren
Richard Kenvin
Beau Young
Phil Myers