B Corp
Using business as a force for good.™

In 2021 we proudly recertified as a B Corp™ improving our score from 80.8 to 93.2.
While we increased our score in four of the five sections of the B Corp assessment, we know there are still areas where we can do better. We'll continue to actively measure and work to improve across all areas between now and our next recertification in 2024.

What are B Corp™ businesses?
Simply put, certified B Corps are companies who are committed to prioritising the environment and society in the way they do business.
B Corps have been independently assessed to ensure they meet the highest standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. The certification process is rigorous, and considers the impacts of a company’s decisions on society and the environment. It’s about growing a business in the right way and is the only certification that measures a company’s entire social and environmental performance.
Certified B Corporations® are for-profit companies that use the power of business to build a more inclusive and sustainable economy. Back in 2018, we were proud to be the first outdoor clothing company in the UK to become B Corp certified. A key part of the B Corp process is that we must recertify every three years. The assessment is continually updated and made harder, taking into account the way the world is changing. And this is a good thing - it’s raising the bar and moving us towards an economy that works for all.
Still a little confused? Let’s break it down into real terms:
1. Using business as a force for good.
Certifying as a B Corp means that a company is legally and morally committed to prioritising their responsibility to the environment and society, and our articles of association, registered at Companies House, now reflect this. So whether it’s decisions about the products we make, the people we employ or the partners we work with, we legally have to prioritise the welfare of people and planet, not just profits. We want to use business as a vehicle to drive positive change in the world, and the B Corp community is fully committed to this mission.
2. Good companies, not just good products.
Just because a company makes good products, doesn’t necessarily make them a good company. Whilst that specific product may be sourced in a responsible way that has a positive impact, it doesn’t mean the company that makes it is doing all their business that way. Certifying as a B Corp is an incredibly rigorous process, covering every area of a business; from products and sustainability policies, to culture and the way they communicate with customers. So when you see the B Corp logo, you know that company has been independently verified and is acting in a way that is socially and environmentally responsible, all the way through the business.
3. It’s not just a rubber stamp.
There are a lot of sustainability certifications out there, and it can often be confusing for consumers to discern which ones actually carry weight. As well as legally binding commitments to the environment and society, B Corp certified companies are continually re-assessed and are required to pass the re-certification process every 3 years. This ensures that B Corps are always held to account – continually monitoring their impact and trying to improve the way they do business, for the benefit of people and planet.
Always Have, Always Will.
Becoming B Corp certified was a proud moment for us – joining a global movement of like-minded businesses pushing for change – but we have been a sustainably focussed business since our founding in 2003; with our guiding commitments to People, Environment and Product. Becoming certified was a confirmation of this, and being part of the B Corp community means we stand shoulder to shoulder with others who share our values; learning from each other and collaborating to reap the rewards of our shared expertise.