The Broadcast
Inspired content from a community of ocean lovers, adventurers & activists.
Andrew Birkett: The Freedom It Gives Me
The original inspiration behind our adaptive Wetsuit Project, we caught up with Andrew Birkett two years on from our first Blue Friday weekend.
Surfing On Skye
A lot of planning goes into our shoots. Yet, being surfers at heart, the slightest possibility of waves can derail even the best-laid plans.
Donegal Yarn: A Spinner's Story
Senior Design Manager, Rose Savidge takes us behind the scenes at Donegal Yarn, talking about her enduring love of knitwear, and celebrating this traditional craft.
The Sentinels: Lighthouses, Surfers & Seven Seas
Mat Arney looks at the stoic history of lighthouses as a metaphor for ocean guardianship.
Mark McInnis: Photographer Portfolio
We take a peek at Mark McInnis' portfoio, asking about what inspired his career and the gear that enables him to ply his craft.
Maddie Meddings: Photographer Portfolio
We sat down with Maddie Meddings to talk about what inspired her to pursue photography and the importance of preparing for all weathers.
Connecting With Canada: 7 Inspirational NGOs
Inspired by BC's enduring culture of grassroots activism, we look at 7 inspirational NGOs working to protect the land and empower communities.
Ali Carrier: Oceanographer Extraordinaire
Meet the Canadian freediver and surfer spreading ocean love and marine stewardship.
John Sweeney: Founding Coastal Queer Alliance
Surfer and hairstylist John Sweeney on uplifting Tofino’s queer community one surf meet-up at a time.
Rachel Dickens: The Rising Tide Surf Team
Rachel Dickens, co-founder of Canada’s Indigenous youth surf team, talks about rebuilding the youths’ connection to ancestral waters and lands.