Ep 5. Sam Bencheghib - Ocean to Ocean
For Episode 5 we’re joined by the inspiring, Sam Bencheghib
Hosted by Lawrence Stafford
Sound Design by John Sampson a.k.a CJ MIRRA
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Sam is an Environmentalist, a lifelong ocean campaigner, a filmmaker and I guess you would also now call, Athlete having just last year completed his 3,055 mile (5,000km) run across America - crossing mountains, deserts, and cities to raise awareness of marine pollution.
Sam is co-founder of Make A Change World - an environmental media outlet that uncovers uplifting and inspirational stories on a mission to do good. Who along with his siblings, have been at the forefront of the environmental battle for over 10 years.

Sam was also a speaker at our Sea7 Ocean Activist Camp...
...again if you have not yet tuned in - all the content from inspiring people like Sam as to how you can start your ocean activist journey is free and available to watch On Demand over at Sea7.finisterre.com
As I mentioned, I caught up with Sam as he finds himself back on the ground on his home island of Bali and in the thick of his most recent enterprise, Sungai Watch - a marine waste cleanup organization who’s mission is to protect our waterways using innovative design and community initiatives.
We have to come up with crazy ideas to get people to take action, or to even get people to turn their heads or listen to us. Utilise the tools available at your fingertips to reach more people and raise more awareness

Show Notes
Bali, Indonesia
New York
Make A Change Bali
Video Storytelling
Stopping plastic pollution at source
Ayung River, Bali
100 barriers in 100 rivers
Adidas – Run For The Oceans
Restoring Indonesia’s waterways
Community empowerment
Department of Maritime Affairs, Indonesia
Citarum River, JavaSurfers Against Sewage
Paddle down the most polluted river in the world on plastic bottle canoe
‘Plastic bergs’ and Hazmat suits
Social media as a tool for activism
Speaking with the Minister of Environment for Indonesia
Emergency plan to clean up the Citarum
Meeting the President of Indonesia
Ocean 2 Ocean run – New York – LA5,000km in 6 months
The power of the individual
Incremental goals and changing habits one step at a timeInspiring the activist in everyone
Positivity always

Gary Bencheghib
Kelly Bencheghib
Mike Horn
Noah Lane – Foam Bundoran
Cyrill Gutsch
Instagram: @sambencheghib